Zucchini ” Cucurbita Pepo” is a summer squash with many health benefits. It comes in many colors and shapes. Some Popular varieties are Golden zucchini: bright golden yellow that retains color after cooking – long cylindrical shape. Round types are heavy, nearly seedless, and a smooth surface.” Tatume” Mexican variety is similar to the round one but oval in shape. Costata Romanesco also known as Cocozelle is a long narrow type with a slight bulge at the bottom. It features pale raised ribs with mottled green skin that is juicy and sweet. Middle eastern types are stocky, light green, tapering at ends with a thick dark green stem. They have smooth shiny skin with a crisp and flavorful flesh. Yellow crook necks have thick warty skin with a distinct curved neck.

Buying & Storage : When you are buying at the farmer’s market or at the grocery store look for a moist stem end with one inch attached and a shiny skin. Green zucchini should be no more than 6″ long and one to two inches in diameter. Baby fingerling zucchinis are a popular new item that can be steamed, sauteed or pickled whole.
Store zucchini in the crisper draw of the refrigerator in perforated plastic bag( it stays fresh for four to five days). Do not wash until you are ready to use it. If ends are wilting use immediately. Cooked zucchini stays for 2 days in a container.
To freeze a big batch of zucchini slice into circles, blanch for two minutes , plunge into cold water, drain, and seal in freezer bags. Handle with care as zucchini gets damaged easily.

History: Zucchini can be turned into “zoodles” a nutritious alternative to traditional spaghetti. Inhabitants of central and south America have been eating an ancestor of zucchini for over 7000 years but the one we know today is a variety of summer squash developed in Italy referred to as the “green Italian squash”. Christopher Columbus originally brought zucchini seeds to Europe and the Mediterranean region but it wasn’t used in the current form until 1900.

Zucchini Recipes
Zucchini Loaf (Handwo)
Zucchini Diamonds (Dhokla)
Zucchini w. Lentils (Kootu)

Nutrition Facts of Zucchini (Cucumis Pepo)100g raw

GI = 15 GL=2
Water 94.6 g
Minerals Vitamins
Energy 17kcal<1% Sodium 8 mg – 0.5% Folates 24 mug – 6%
Carb. 3.11g – 2.5% Potassium 261 mg – 5.5% Niacin 0.451mg – 3%
Protein 1.21g – 2% Calcium 16mg – 1.6% Pantothenic acid 0.204mg – 4%
Total Fat 0.32g – 1% Iron 0.34mg – 5% Pyridoxine 0.163mg – 13%
Cholesterol 0mg – 0% Magnesium 18 mg – 4% Riboflavin 0.094mg – 7 %
Dietary Fiber 1g – 3% Manganese 0.177 mg – 8% Thiamin 0.045mg – 4 %
Phosphorous 38 mg – 5% Vitamin A 200 IU – 7%
Beta Carotene 120 mug selenium 0.2 mug <1% Vitamin C 17.9 mg – 30%
Lutein zea xanthin 2125 mug Zinc 0.32mg – 3% Vitamin E 0.12mg <1%
Vitamin K 4.3mug – 4%
Zucchini (Cucumis pepo), raw with skin, Nutrition value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base https://www.nutrition-and-you.com/zucchini.html)

Health Benefits of Zucchini

  • Zucchini Maintains optimal health: is the best source of fiber. It also contains potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, folate, and vitamins A & C.
  • Zucchini helps with Weight loss: It is extremely low in calories but makes you feel full. It has high water content and rich in fiber which helps with weight loss.
  • Zucchini protects the cardiovascular system: Plenty of vitamin C and Manganese which help to keep the heart strong. Magnesium content reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. When magnesium is combined with potassium, it helps in reducing blood pressure.
  • Zucchini may reduce cholesterol: Beta carotene and vitamin C present in Zucchini help prevent oxidation of cholesterol. Folate in zucchini helps an unsafe metabolic byproduct called Homocysteine that can prevent heart attack or stroke.

Spice Power

  • Mustard seeds: high in B complex vitamins Folates, Niacin, Thiamin, Riboflavin, and other B complex vitamins which help in enzyme synthesis, nervous system function, and regulating body metabolism.
  • Fenugreek seeds: research suggests that fenugreek may increase breast milk production and rate of weight gain in newborn babies.
  • Turmeric powder: Curcumin boosts brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) linked to improved brain function and a lower risk of brain Alzheimers or Dementia.
  • Red chili powder: 1 tbsp. 23cal; contains vitamin B3 niacin helps the nervous system to function properly; Pyridoxine B6 to make red blood cells and keep the brain function properly. Rich in vitamin A helps mucous membrane function well; 1 tbsp. has 2372 IU 80 % of men’s needs and 100% of women’s.
  • Coriander powder improves digestion: promotes liver functions and bowel movements with fiber. It has antiseptic properties that help cure mouth ulcers.
  • Cumin powder lowers cholesterol levels with Cuminaldehyde and flavonoids that lower oxidized LDL levels. Manganese and zinc activate the body’s antioxidant enzymes.
  • Asafetida powder: anti-viral benefits the latest studies have shown it can constrict and hamper reproduction and growth of harmful viruses like the H1NI influenza causing virus. It triggers the production of natural antibiotics against a viral attack.
  • Sesame seeds: good source of fiber 30g provides 3.5 g fiber 12 5 RDA supports digestive health and may play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease, obesity, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Method to make Zucchini Loaf (Handwo)
Handwo” is a popular meal in a dish from W. India in the Gujarat state. It is a baked dish made with soft vegetables like zucchini or bottle gourd and rice and chickpea lentils flour.

  • Peel and grate zucchini/bottle gourd in a grater or food processor. (2min.)
  • Make Handwo batter: mix flour, zucchini/ bottle gourd, spices + 1/2 cup water.
  • Mix baking soda and buttermilk. (it fizzes)
  • Blend with batter to a pouring consistency. (3 min.)
  • Heat the oil in a small frying pan; add mustard and fenugreek seeds.
  • When mustard seeds splutter, pour on Handwo batter.
  • Pour frothy batter into a greased baking pan. (ring/loaf pan )
  • Sprinkle top with sesame seeds. (5 min.)
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 350 F.(20 min.)
  • Handwo loaf is ready when a fork inserted comes out clean.
  • Cut the loaf into slices and garnish with cilantro leaves.

Serve Zucchini loaf with Cilantro or Mint chutney​.

Substitute baking soda with 1/2 tsp. Eno fruit salt available in Indian store
Substitute buttermilk with lemon juice for Vegans