Green beans are one of the oldest cultivated vegetables having a long slender green pod with small seeds inside. The entire pod is edible. Green Beans are also called string or French bean because of the fibrous string that runs down the pod’s seam and Snap bean for the sound that it makes when broken in half. They are available year-round with a peak season of May to October. Other bean varieties are bush beans, pole beans, yard long beans, shell beans, white beans, red or kidney beans, black beans, pink beans, and yellow wax beans. Fava beans are large, usually eaten shelled and Lima beans are plump kidney-shaped seeds in a light green pod.

Buying & Storage: Choose slender beans that are crisp, bright-colored, and free of blemishes. Store in the refrigerator tightly wrapped in a perforated plastic bag, for up to 5 days. Cook gently by steaming, simmering just until tender or in the microwave. Green beans can be cooked whole as at Thanksgiving, cut into 2 ” strips, French cut diagonally or finely chopped.

History: Green beans originated in Central & S.America. It was domesticated in ancient times but researchers can’t say where? Although seeds of cultivated forms were found in deposits from Callejon de Huaylas Peru with a radiocarbon dating of 7680 BP & in Tehuacan Mexico from 7000 BP, their atomic mass spectrometry dating contests this date by measuring this age as only 2285+/- 60 BP. Green beans were introduced to the Mediterranean region in 1493 by Christopher Columbus on his return from his voyage to the New World. The bean (Cowpea, Fava, etc. ) spread into the eastern Mediterranean and by 17th century was cultivated in Italy, Greece & Turkey. In a 1988 study of the phaseolin structure of the bean, researchers traced the bean now grown in W. Mediterranean to the ones that had originated in the Andes.

Beans Recipes
Green Beans Sauté ( Beans Poduthuval)
French cut beans in Spicy gravy (Beans Rassa)
Minced green beans with Lentils (Beans Paruppu usili)

Green Beans Nutrition Facts

GI= 15; GL =3
Water = 90.3 g
Minerals Vitamins
Energy 31 cal -1.5% Sodium 6mg – 0.4% Folates 37mcg – 9%
Carb. 7.13g – 5.5% Potassium 209mg – 5.5% Niacin 0.752mg – 5%
Protein 1.82g -3% Calcium 37mg – 3.7% Pantothenic acid 0.094mg – 2 %
Total Fat 0.34g -1% Iron 1.04mg – 13% Pyridoxine 0.074 mg – 5.5 %
Cholesterol 0g -0% Magnesium 25mg – 6% Riboflavin 0.105mg – 8%
Dietary Fiber 3.4 g – 9% Manganese 0.214mg – 9% Thiamin 0.084mg – 7%
Beta Carotene 379 mug Phosphorous 38mg – 6 % Vitamin A 690 IU – 23%
Alpha Carotene 69mug Zinc 0.24mg -2% Vitamin C 16.3mg – 27%
Lutein zeaxanthin 640 mug Vitamin K 14.4 Amug – 12%
Green beans nutrition (Phaseolus vulgaris), Raw, value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Green Beans Health Benefits

  • Green Beans possess anti-aging properties: rich in vitamin A; good amounts of Lutein, Beta carotene, and Zeaxanthin; these compounds act as protective scavengers against free radicals.
  • Green Beans aid in the healthy development of the fetus in prenatal health: snap bean excellent source of Folate with B12 is one of the components of cell division and DNA synthesis.
  • Green Beans Boost the immune system with Pyridoxine(B6), Thiamin (B1), and Vitamin C which helps the body develop resistance against infectious diseases and scavenge harmful oxygen-free radicals.
  • Green Beans Prevent bone degeneration and osteoporosis with the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous.and potassium.
  • Green Beans Reduce cholesterol: a rich source of dietary fiber that acts as a bulk laxative and binds to cancer-causing chemicals in the gut. An adequate amount of fiber in the diet decreases re-absorption of cholesterol binding bile acids in the colon.
  • Green Beans contain Zea-xanthin a Carotenoid absorbed in the retina provides antioxidant and UV light-filtering functions; helps to prevent Macular degeneration and vision deterioration

Spice and Herb Powers

  • Mustard seeds may prevent cancer: They have chemo preventive potential and protect against the toxic effects of carcinogens.the seeds contain generous amounts of phyto chemicals called Glucosinolates that break down to form Isothiocyanates with the help of myrosinase enzymes present in mustard which prove valuable against bladder, colon, and cervical cancer.
  • Turmeric powder: is an anticoagulant prevents blood clots by clumping platelets together. It also improves brain function. by protecting neural pathways from long term oxidative stress and the build-up of plaque.
  • Green chili: Capsaicin releases good endorphins that regulate mood swings and pain in the body. Vision Health – it contains vitamin A 175IU which helps with improving vision and lower chances of cataract and Macular degeneration as people age.
  • Coconut: A source of digestion-friendly and satiating fiber. 5g / 1 oz. coconut. contains vitamin B6, iron, minerals like magnesium, zinc copper, manganese, and selenium. About half the saturated fat (16 g ) / oz comes from Lauric acid which can raise levels of heart-protective HDL cholesterol.

Method to cook Green Beans Sauté

  • Snip ends, hold 5 beans together at a time and cut at 1/2″ intervals; rinse and drain. (5 min.)
  • Stir- fry method on stove
  • Heat the oil on the stove in a frying pan; add seasoning materials.
  • When mustard seeds splutter, add beans, spice+1/2 cup water; cover with a lid.
  • Allow beans to cook in their own moisture on medium heat, stirring frequently. (10 min.
  • Garnish with crushed green chili and coconut. (1 min)
  • Alternate Microwave method
  • Place in a microwave-safe bowl, add 1/2 cup water, spices and mix well.
  • Cover with plastic wrap; pierce holes with a fork and microwave. (6 min.)
  • Heat oil in a frying pan, add mustard seeds and urad lentils.
  • Heat until mustard seeds splutter and lentils turn golden. (1 min)
  • Add the cooked green beans and sauté until blended well. (2 min.)
  • Garnish with crushed green chili and coconut. (1 min)

Serve Green Beans Sauté with Quinoa, Brown Rice, Dosai, Naan or Pita bread.

Time saver: Use microwavable beans packets ; cook whole beans &cut after cooking
Protein enrichment: Add 2 tbsp cooked chickpea lentils
Variation: Cook similarly Cluster Beans (Guwar / Kothavarangai), Bush Bean (Papdi /Avaraikai), Yard Long Beans (Payaru )
Hara = green; Sem = Beans; Poduthuval = vegetable with coconut