Bitter melon / gourd has a bubbly skin, light or dark green in color with a wealth of health benefits,and recommended to be included in your daily diet. It is bitter due to the presence of compounds called Cucurbitacins which are present in members of the cucumber family. Momordica Charantia (scientific name) is a fruit of a tropical plant in the Cucurbit family. Other names of bitter melon are bitter gourd, bitter cucumber and balsam pear. Bitter melon can be dried, fried, pickled or frozen.

History Bitter Melon’s origin can be traced back to India that spread to other countries 600 years ago. It has been in use all over south east Asia for hundreds of years and has been widely used in S. America, Caribbean and other tropical regions around the world. Bitter melon is a staple among many cultures in Africa, Asia and Caribbean due to its anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti allergenic, anti viral, anti parasitic and expectorant qualities.

Bitter Melon Recipes
Bitter Melon Sauté (Parikai Upperi)
Bitter Melon Salad (Parikai Pachadi)
Bitter Melon in Tamarind sauce (Parikai Pitla)
Bitter Melon Chips (Parikai Vatral)

Stuffed Bitter Melon (Bhara Karela)

Bitter Melon Nutrition Facts
(Memordica Charantia)

GI = 32 ; GL = 1
Water 87.4 g
Minerals Vitamins
Energy 17 kcal <1% Sodium 5mg<1% Folates 72mcg – 18%
Carb 3.7g – 3% Potassium 296mg – 6% Niacin 0.4mg – 2.5%
Protein 1 g -2% Calcium 19mg -2% Pantothenic acid 0.212mg -4%
Total Fat 0.17g – 0.5% Copper 0.034mg -4% Pyridoxine – 0.043mg -3%
Cholesterol 0mg – 0% Iron 0.43mg – 5% Riboflavin – 0.04mg – 3%
Dietary Fiber 2.8g -7% Magnesium 17mg – 4% Thiamin – 0.04mg – 3.5%
Beta Carotene 190 mcg Manganese 0.089mg – 4% Vitamin A 471IU – 16%
Alpha Carotene 185 mcg Zinc 0.8mg – 7% Vitamin C 84mg – 140%
Lurein zea xanthin 170 mcg
Bitter gourd or Bitter melon (Momordica charantia),
fresh, raw, Nutritive value per 100 g (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Health Benefits of Bitter Melon

  • Bitter melon’s ability to manage diabetes with phytonutrient polypeptide P, is a plant insulin known to lower blood sugar levels. It also composes Charantin which increases glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis inside liver cells, muscle, and adipose tissue.
  • Bitter melon’s ability to boost the immune system: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant preventing attack by bacteria or viruses
  • Bitter melon’s ability to prevent and reduce symptoms of aging and cancer. It is an excellent source of health benefiting flavonoids such as beta and Alpha-carotene, Lutein and Zeaxanthin plus vitamin A. These compounds act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals that play a role in aging and cancer.

Spice Power

  • Mustard seeds: inhibits cancer cell growth, speeds up metabolism and stimulates and aids digestion.
  • Turmeric powder: detoxifies the liver and may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Red chili powder: aids in weight loss, enhances cognitive function, promotes digestive health and fights inflammation and pain,
  • Tamarind: helps with weight loss by reducing the amount of bad cholesterol, encouraging the body to burn more fat and also prevent the formation of more adipose tissue,
  • Lemon juice : protect against anemia and prevent kidney stone formation
Method to cook Bitter Melon Sauté
(Parikai Upperi/Karela Subzee)
  • Slice bitter gourd in 1/2″ slices; remove seeds and rinse.
  • Peel, chop the onion; grind with red chili to a paste; coat slices. (4 min.)
  • Cook in the microwave with salt and turmeric powder. (8 min.)
  • Heat oil in a frying pan; add mustard seeds, allow to splutter.
  • Add bitter gourd slices; sauté until they turn brown. (7 min.)
  • Garnish with tamarind pulp or lemon juice.

Alternate method sans onion)

  • Heat oil in a frying pan; add mustard seeds; let it splutter.
  • Add bitter melon slices, spices + 1/2 cup water.
  • Cover with a lid and cook. (10 min.)
  • Remove lid, add extra tbsp. oil, and sauté until the bittermelons turn golden – {stir frequently}. (5 min.)

Serve Bitter Melon Sauté with Quinoa, Rice, Naan, Pasta, Parathas or Bread Rolls.

Store bitter melons in a paper or plastic bag in the refrigerator for a week adding 2 chopped tomatoes or 1 tbsp. brown sugar gives sweetness
rubbing salt on the pieces and keeping for 5 min. reduces bitterness
Karela, Parikai = bittermelon ; subzee/ upperi = sauté