Brussels sprouts look like miniature cabbages and absorb spices when marinated in them. In this preparation whole sprouts are marinated in a ground paste made with wet spices like cilantro/mint leaves, ginger, garlic, and green chili that adds extra zest when steamed or baked.

Buying & Storage: Brussels Sprouts are available from late August to March. Buy small bright green sprouts with compact heads. Store unwashed sprouts in a ziplock bag in the refrigerator for 3 days, as longer storage creates a strong flavor.

History: Brussels sprouts a cruciferous vegetable, with a scientific name “Brassica oleracea var.gemmifera” from the Brassicae family, have been cultivated since the 16th century in Belgium and are cousins of the cauliflower family. They are miniature cabbages ranging from 1″ to 11/2″ in diameter. Many rows of sprouts grow on a single long stalk. Cultivation in the US began around 1800 when French settlers brought them to Louisiana though most of it is grown in California now. Brussels Sprouts were introduced by the British to Indians and grown in Ootacamund S. India.

Brussels Sprouts Recipes
Brussels Sprouts Steamed/Baked (Vafaa/Senka Chota Gobi)
Brussels Sprouts Sauté (Chota Gobi Thoran)
Brussels Sprouts Sambhar (Chota Gobi Sambhar)

Nutrition Facts of Brussels Sprouts(Brassica oleracia Gemmifera) 100g raw

GI =32 GL =3
Water = 75.7 g
Minerals Vitamins
Energy 36 kcal – 2% Sodium 25mg 1.5% Folates 61mcg – 15%
Carb. 8.95g – 7% Potassium 389mg – 8% Niacin 0.745mg – 4.5%
Protein 3.38g – 6% Calcium 42 mg – 4% Pantothenic acid 0.309 mg – 6%
Total Fat 0.3g – 1% Copper 0.7mg – 8% Pyridoxine 0.219 mg – 17%
Cholesterol 0 mg – 0% Iron 1.4 mg – 17.5% Riboflavin 0.9mg – 7%
Dietary Fiber 3.8g – 10 % Magnesium 23mg – 6% Thiamin 0.139mg – 13%
Alpha Carotene 6mcg Manganese 0.337 mg – 15% Vitamin A 754 IU – 25%
Beta Carotene 450 mcg Phosphorous 69mg – 10% Vitamin C 85mg -142%
Lutein zeaxanthin 1590 mcg Selenium 1.6mcg – 3% Vitamin K 177mcg – 147%
Zinc 0.42mg – 4%
Brussel sprouts nutrition profile per 100 g (Brassica oleracea Gemmifera Group), fresh, (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

  • Nutrition: 1 cup cooked Brussels sprouts provides 56 calories, 11 g carb and 4 g protein.; 195% vitamin K, 125% Vitamin C, and 10% vitamin A, B6, Folate, Potassium and Manganese.
  • helps pregnant mothers with preventing neural tube defects.
  • Brussels sprouts balances Hormone levels: volatile compounds and active ingredients’ presence affect the thyroid gland with functions like metabolic activity, digestive efficiency and energy levels.
  • Brussels sprouts prevents retinal damage : Zea xanthin an important carotenoid is absorbed in the retinal macula – lutea in the human eye to provide anti oxidant and protect UV light filtering functions.
  • Brussels sprouts reduces Blood pressure : Potassium present in it acts as a vasodilator to reduce tension and pressure of blood vessels and arteries thus relieving the strain on the cardio vascular system.
  • Brussels sprouts is useful for substrate metabolism in the body with B complex vitamins Niacin, Pyridoxine and Thiamin and Pantothenic acid .
  • Brussels sprouts helps in Pregnancy : High amounts of Folic acid present in Brusse
  • Caution : Individuals taking blood thinners, (Coumadin or Warfarin) should not eat Brussels sprouts as it can affect their Vitamin K levels. It is advisable to consult a doctor.

Herbs and Lemon Power

  • Ginger: helps with menstural cramps reducing the severity of pain and is very effective .
  • Garlic: eye care – it is rich in Selenium, Quercitin and vitamin C which help treat eye infection and inflammation.
  • Green chili: proven to balance blood sugar levels and a good source of iron.
  • Lemon juice: maintains oral health, reduces the GI glycemic index of the food and increases urination helping the body flush out excess salt, toxins and chemicals.

Method to steam Brussels sprouts

  • Cut each Brussels sprouts into half; keep aside in cold water.
  • Prepare marinade: Peel ginger and garlic; rinse and remove stalks from cilantro or mint.
  • Grind herbs & spices with lemon juice and water until smooth.
  • Soak halved Brussels sprouts in the marinade & keep aside for. (10 min)
  • Steam the marinated Brussels sprouts in a steamer until soft. ( 10 min.)

Method to bake Brussels sprouts

  • Rub the marinade shown above on the Brussels sprouts halves and keep aside 10 min.
  • Bake on a sheet lined with aluminum foil for 20 min.

Serve Steamed/Baked Brussels Sprouts with Quinoa, Coconut or Tamarind Rice, Sourdough bread, or Naans.

Variation : add 1/2 cup peanut powder to paste for extra protein