Broccoli {scientific name “Brassica Oleracia var.italica.”} is dark emerald green or purple in color with tiny clusters of buds that sit on stout edible stems like the artichoke. It is an alkaline vegetable that helps balance the body’s pH levels. Steamed broccoli can lower cholesterol levels more than raw ones. Phytonutrients present in a special combination in Broccoli, have the ability to help control the detox process, eliminating unwanted contaminants in our body. It is a relative of cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Kale, and Cauliflower, which have four-petal flowers resembling a cross.

Buying & Storage Available year-round; peak season is from October to April. Choose Broccoli with a deep green color or green with purple. The buds should be tightly closed and the leaves crisp. Refrigerate unwashed in an airtight bag for 4-7 days.

History : Broccoli is native to the Mediterranean . Its name comes from the Italian word “cabbage sprout”. It was engineered from a cabbage relative by Etruscans an ancient Italian civilization who lived in a place called Tuscany considered to be horticultural geniuses. Referred to as the Italian asparagus there are records of its seeds brought over by Thomas Jefferson in 1700s. It became popular only in 1920 when Southern Italians brought it with them.

Broccoli Recipes
Broccoli Casserole (Hara Phool Gobi Tandoor)
Broccoli Sauté (Hara Phool Gobi Subzee)
Minced Broccoli (Hara Phool Gobi Paruppu Usili)

Nutrition Facts of Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea var. italica) 100g raw

GI = 10 GL =3
Water = 89.3 g
Minerals Vitamins
Energy 34Kcal-1.5% Sodium 33mg – 2% Folates 63mcg – 16%
Carb. 6.64g – 5% Potassium 316mg – 7% Niacin 0.639 mg – 4%
Protein 2.82g – 5% Calcium 47mg – 5% Pantothenic acid 0.573mg – 12%
Total Fat 0.37g – 1% Copper 0.049mg – 5.5% Pyridoxine 0.175 mg – 13%
Cholesterol 0mg – 0% Iron 0.73mg – 9% Riboflavin 0.117mg – 9%
Dietary Fiber 2.6g – 7% Magnesium 21mg – 5% Thiamin 0.071mg – 6%
Manganese 0.210mg – 9% Vitamin A 623IU – 21%
Selenium 2.5 mcg – 5% Vitamin C 89.2mg – 149%
Zinc 0.41mg – 4% Vitamin E 0.17mg – 1.5%
Vitamin K 101.6 mg – 85%
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) nutrition profile, fresh, raw, per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Health Benefits of Broccoli

  • Anticancer potential: Broccoli has anti-cancer potential by removing extra estrogen from the body esp. in postmenopausal women. It also contains anti-carcinogenic compounds like Sulforaphane, Glucoraphanin, Di-diindolylmethane, Isothiocyanates, Beta-carotene, and Selenium. Other nutrients that act as anti-cancer agents are vitamin C, A, & E, zinc, potassium, and certain amino acids. Help protect against colon, prostate, urinary bladder, pancreatic and breast cancers.
  • Helps in Pregnancy: The folate content in it (63 Mug) ensures that there are no birth defects such as neural tube defects. Being rich in fiber eliminates constipation. It is full of nutrients proteins, calcium, vitamins, antioxidants, iron, and phosphorous essential for pregnant women.
  • Regulates Blood Pressure: Chromium found abundantly in broccoli, helps in the proper functioning of insulin, and regulates blood sugar, thus regulating blood pressure. Potassium (316mg/ 100g) helps boost blood flow and oxygenation of essential organs by relaxing tension and stress of veins and blood vessels. Magnesium (21mg/100g) and Calcium(47 mg / 100g) aid in regulating blood pressure and keep the heart protected from cardiovascular diseases (strokes and heart attacks).
  • Prevents Anemia: Broccoli is rich in iron (0.73 mg/100g) and protein(2.8g2/100g) and hence forms an excellent remedy against anemia.
  • Controls Diabetes: a 2012 study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, suggests that broccoli sprouts may improve insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic patients. Sulforaphane and Kaempferol in this cruciferous vegetable have the ability to lower blood sugar levels in diabetics, thus helping to manage.

Spice Power

  • Cumin powder: Boosts immunity and fights viral infections. Prevents colon cancer and removes toxins from the body.
  • Black Pepper powder: improves digestion, promotes weight loss, relieve cold & cough, boost metabolism, and treat skin problems.
  • Ginger powder: treats migraines and headaches often caused by inflammation of the small capillaries in the head. It helps to alleviate general inflammation which can cause additional oxidative stress.

Method to bake Broccoli Casserole
This recipe has Broccoli florets cooked with baby carrots, corn & spices. It is then mixed in white sauce and baked in the oven at 350 F with an optional cheese topping.

  • Rinse, cook vegetables with 1/2 tsp. salt in the microwave. (4 min.)
  • While veggies cook, boil macaroni al dente, in 4 cups salted water.
  • Drain and rinse in cold water. Keep aside. (8 min.)
  • Blend all-purpose or gram flour with milk in a blender.
  • Melt butter in a saucepan, add the blended milk and spices.
  • Bring to a boil and allow the sauce to simmer. (3 min.)
  • Mix the cooked vegetables with macaroni in a casserole pan.
  • Pour the sauce to cover them completely.
  • Top with potato buds, bread crumbs, and grated cheese.(3 min.)
  • Place slices of tomato or green bell pepper to decorate the top.
  • Bake at 350F in a preheated oven, until the top turns golden. (12 min.)

Serve Broccoli Casserole with Tomato Ketchup and French / Garlic / Sourdough Bread.

Substitute frozen broccoli, corn, peas or mixed vegetables
Sprinkle Parmesan cheese powder on top for extra protein
Variation : Add mashed potatoes / ground chick pea lentils as a topping
Use non dairy cheese for vegans