Cauliflower is a member of the famous Cruciferous / Brassicaceae family and its siblings include Brussels sprouts, Watercress, Cabbage, Bokchoy & Broccoli It grows flowers with four petals that resemble crosses. It is a great substitute for  Turkey to Vegans and Vegetarians, at the  Thanksgiving feast. Its size, shape & color is well suited to resemble ” The Turkey ” an icon every Thanksgiving.  In this recipe  the cauliflower is first marinated with a rub or chutney; it is baked or steamed next &  then covered with caramelized onions. It is then decorated to resemble a turkey with a stem as the neck, a half tomato as beak & a curry leaf sprig for tail feathers. The “Cauliflower Tandoor “ (Turkey resemblance) is finally placed on a bed of rice pulao for carving, along with Gravy – ready to be served.

Buying & Storage: Choose a firm cauliflower with compact florets. The leaves should be crisp and green with no sign of yellowing. The size of the head doesn’t affect quality. Refrigerate raw cauliflower(stem side down), tightly wrapped for (5 days), cooked (3 days). Other hybrid cauliflower varieties are colorful depending on the type of nutrients stored: green ” broccoflower” due to chlorophyll by cross-pollination from broccoli; purple “graffiti” – the flavonoid Anthocyanin provides the purple color; orange “cheddar” cauliflower contains an immense amount of Beta carotene (vitamin A )

History: Cauliflower originated in the Mediterranean region and was used in Asia for many centuries before being introduced to Europe in the 16th century. It was not grown in N. America until 1900s. Today with a ten month growing season California produces 89% of cauliflower in USA. Mark Twain called me! ” a cabbage with a college education “! Call  me on the i – phone to seek a Flowery Pal!! a favorite companion for snack, lunch or dinner!!!

My inspiration to bake a whole cauliflower came from the turkey baked during Thanksgiving at my daughter’s house in Maryland, where her father in law would bake it and bring it over to eat together. I thought of a “vegetarian turkey” by marinating a whole cauliflower with cilantro chutney and baked it. I then sauteed chopped red onions pink until they caramelized and pasted them on the cauliflower using a fork to resemble the turkey skin. I used the white stem of the cauliflower for the neck, for the beak half a tomato, and for the tail curry leaf stalk, which turned out to be a turkey look alike. I was surprised to observe that the cauliflower could be carved like the turkey and eaten with the tomato gravy. It was enjoyed by everyone vegan, vegetarians, as well as nonvegetarians.

Cauliflower Recipes
Whole Cauliflower Bake (Phool Gobi Tandoor)
Cauliflower Sauté (Phool Gobi Dulna)
Cauliflower on Bread Rolls (Paav Bhaji)
Cauliflower Korma (Phool Gobi Korma)
Nine Gems Korma (Navratan Korma)
Cauliflower Fritters (Phool Gobi Pakora)
Cauliflower Stuffed Bread (Phool Gobi Paratha)
Cauliflower Pot Pie(Phool Gobi Dhum)
Riced Cauliflower Pizza (Phool Gobi Pizza)

Nutrition facts of Cauliflower

GI=15; GL=2
Water 91.9 g
Minerals Vitamins
Energy 25 kcal (1%) Sodium 30mg (2%) Folates 57mcg (14%)
Carb. 4.97g (4%) Potassium 299mg (6%) Niacin 0.507mg (3%)
Protein 1.92g (4%) Calcium 22mg (2%) Pantothenic acid 0.667mg (13%)
Total Fat 0.28g (1%) Copper 0.039 (4.5%) Pyridoxine 0.184mg (14%)
Cholesterol 0mg (0%) Iron 0.42mg (5%) Riboflavin 0.06 mg(4.5%)
Dietary Fiber 2g (5%) Magnesium 15mg (3.5%) Thiamin 0.05mg (4%)
Lutein zeaxanthin
1 mcg
Manganese 0.155 mg (7%) Vitamin C 48.2mg (80%)
Zinc 0.27mg (2.5%) Vitamin E 0.08mg (0.5%)
Vitamin K 15.5mcg (13%)
Cauliflower nutrition profile per 100 g, raw. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Health Benefits of Cauliflower

  • Prevents oxidative stress and cancer: Cauliflower contains vitamin C (48.2 mg / 100g), (manganese 0.2 mg -8%), and other potent antioxidants that help providing nourishment to the body. It also contains phytochemicals like Indole and Glucosinates (Glucobrassicin, Glucoraphanin, and Gluconasturtin). These compounds stimulate cancer blocking enzymes and protect the body cells from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. Glucosinolates in cauliflower act as natural pesticides in plant cells. When consumed by humans they are utilized for DNA repair and help prevent cancer by slowing the growth of mutated cancer cells in various forms of cancer (e.g. Prostate and Ovarian).
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health: Cauliflower contains Glucoraphanin and vitamin K (15.5mug /100 g) that gets converted to Isothiocyanates that promote anti – inflammatory activities and prevent the accumulation of lipids in the blood vessels. This aids in the unobstructed flow of blood, reducing the risk of Atherosclerosis and promote cardio vascular health.

Spice Power

  • Curry powder improves bone health, boosts immunity and increases the liver’s ability to remove toxins from the body.
  • Coriander powder treats mouth ulcers with Citronellol, an excellent antiseptic. It helps speed up the healing process of ulcers and also prevent bad breath. Other components in it have anti microbial and healing effects which aid wounds or ulcers from worsening.
  • Fennel powder: relief from anemia, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, colic, diarrhea, respiratory disorders, and menstural disorders and aids in eye care.
  • Garlic powder: the sulfur compounds in garlic drastically reduce lead levels in the blood. Additionally, it also prevents the signs of toxicity, such as headaches and blood pressure. Sulfur also aids in better absorption of iron and zinc in the blood.
  • Red chili powder : Cayenne in the pepper improves blood circulation by stimulating the blood flow, ensures the delivery of vitamins and guarantees that waste is removed.

Method to cook Cauliflower Tandoor

  • Mix rub ingredients in a bowl to form a paste; keep aside.
  • Chop leaves & trim the stem of cauliflower to stand erect on its base; rinse in water.
  • Coat the cauliflower with the rub using a brush; let it marinate for (10 min.)
  • Place cauliflower in a baking pan lined with aluminum foil.
  • Cover top with another piece of foil wrapping edges of the pan.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 350 F. (20 min.)
  • Peel and chop onions fine. Heat oil in a frying pan & add cumin seeds.
  • Add onions & sauté until translucent. Add sugar to caramelize & continue to sauté until golden. (8 min.)
  • Set aside 2 tbsp. of the sautéed onions for gravy.
  • Remove baked cauliflower from oven; place on its base on a plate.
  • Spread & paste the sautéed onions all over the cauliflower. (2 min.)
  • Decorate cauliflower with a stem for neck, halved cherry tomato for beak & curry leaf for tail feathers to look like a turkey.
  • Serve on a bed of Rice Pulao; ready to be carved. (2 min.)

To make Gravy

  • Blanch tomatoes; peel skin & puree with sautéed onions, spices & flour.
  • Boil in a saucepan until the gravy coats the back of a spoon. (2 min.)
  • Pour it in a gravy boat & serve over carved cauliflower slices.

  Mint /Cilantro Cauliflower Tandoor

  • Use mint-cilantro chutney to cover the cauliflower instead of onions and steam for 15 min.
  • Cilantro Chutney: Grind together 1 bunch Cilantro leaves with 2 tbsp. grated coconut flakes, 1 green chili, 1″ ginger, 1 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. lemon juice & water.
  • Apply Green cilantro Chutney on the cauliflower & allow to marinate for (10 min.).
  • Pour 2 cups water in a steamer and bring to a boil.
  • Place the cauliflower on a perforated plate in steamer and steam for (15 min.)
  • Allow to cool, decorate to add the neck, tail & beak.
  • Place on a bed of Rice Pulao.
  • Serve whole or sliced to be carved into pieces as an appetizer or with Naan bread.

Cilantro / Mint Chutney is available pre-made at Indian or Organic Stores