Potato is a starchy root vegetable that had its origins in Central America. It belongs in the Solanaceae family with the scientific name Solanum Tuberosum. It is one of the widely grown root crops and the cheapest food consumed around the world. Some of the popular cultivars: i. white/yellow skin and flesh – Yukon Gold, Yellow Finn. ii. Red skin and flesh – Ida rose, French fingerling; iii. Russet skin and flesh- Russet Burbank, Ranger Russet.
This spicy mashed potatoes recipe does not use milk or cream; but is seasoned in oil with mustard seeds, white lentils & spices. Potatoes are combined with salt, turmeric, asafoetida, and red chili powder. Asafetida prevents gas formation. Russet, red, Yukon gold & white varieties are ideal for cooking fluffy mashed potatoes. Aaloo Podimas is a gourmet dish paired with Pooris or onion Sambhar and rice at wedding feasts.in Chennai. S. India.

Buying and Storage: Look for potatoes that are firm and have a smooth waxy surface. Potatoes have many eyes on their surface. Avoid those with cuts, patches & bruises. Often you may come across greenish coloration with sprouts on their surface that indicates old stock. Store potatoes in a cool, dry & dark place in a basket. Exposure to sunlight may form toxic alkaloid “solanine”.

History: Potato is the world’s 4th largest food crop. The Inca Indians in Peru were the first to cultivate it around 8000-5000 BC. In 1536 Spanish conquistadors conquered Peru, discovered potato & carried them to Europe. Sir Walter Raleigh introduced potatoes to Ireland in 1589 on 40000 acres in Cork. It then spread to other countries. Agriculturists learned that the potato contained most of the vitamins needed for sustenance and could feed 10 people for each acre of land cultivated.

Story: Podimaas is a popular potato preparation that is delicious like mashed potatoes or French fries. When a person is in a difficult situation in business or accident the term ” Podimaas is used to mean “being crushed”. “Ramamoorthy Sando Urulaikizhangu Bondo” is a nickname given to any stout person in S. India as a teaser for excessive potato consumers.

Potato Recipes
Spicy Mashed Potatoes (Aalu Podimaas)
Curried Mashed Potatoes (Aalu Masala)
Pan-Roasted Potatoes (Aalu Kara Kari)
Potatoes and Peas Curry (Aalu Matar Subzee)
Potatoes in Tomato Gravy (Aalu Shaak)
Potato Stew (Aalu Stew)
Stuffed Potatoes (Aalu Dhum)
Creamy Potato Balls (Malai Kofta)

Potato Nutrition Facts

GI = 55 GL= 11 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 77 kcal (4%) Sodium 6mg (0.4%) Folates 15mcg (4%)
Carb 17.49g (14%) Potassium 425 mg (9%) Niacin 1.061mg (6%)
Protein 2.05g (4%) Calcium 12 mg (1%) Pantothenic acid 0.279mg (6%)
Total Fat 0.1g (0.5%) Iron 0.81mg (10%) Pyridoxine 0.298 mg (23%)
Cholesterol 0mg (0%) Magnesium 23mg (6%) Riboflavin 0.032mg (2.5%)
Fiber 2.1g (5%) Manganese 0.141mg (6%) Thiamin 0.081mg (7%)
Phytonutrients Phosphorous 57 mg (8%) Vitamin A 2IU (<1%)
Beta Carotene 4 mcg Zinc 0.3mg (3%) Vitamin C 19.7 mg (33%)
Lutein 21 mcg Vitamin K 2 mcg (2%)
Potato nutrition, flesh, and skin, all varieties, the value per 100 g. raw %DV(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)


Potato Health Benefits

  • 1 raw potato: cal.100; carb. 18.4; fiber 2.2g
  • Antioxidant (Anthocyanin) in potatoes soak up free radicals; may reduce risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease
  • Potato is an important source of complex carbs, low in sodium; high in potassium, vitamins B-6, and C.
  • Potato consumption helps improve blood sugar control with resistant starch by reducing insulin resistance (33% in a study by scientists ) .
  • Resistant starch in potatoes also improves digestion when they get converted to short chain fatty acids butyrate, beneficial for gut bacteria.
  • Purple potatoes have 4 times more antioxidants than white potatoes; cholesterol free ; suppress the growth of liver and colon cancer cells; help lower blood pressure, risk of heart disease and stroke among people who are overweight and suffer from hypertension (Study 2012)

Spice & Herb Powers

  • Mustard seeds: excellent for digestion since they increase metabolism rate of the body.
  • Asafetida powder: helps to ease digestion by restoring the normal ph level of the stomach.
  • Turmeric powder: curcumin’s presence leads to changes at the molecular level that may help prevent and even treat colon cancer.
  • Red chili powder: settles the stomach; prevents acid reflux and kills the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers.
  • Cilantro leaves: may ease anxiety and prevent food poisoning
  • Curry leaves: can help treat diarrhea, dysentery or constipation since the leaves support bowel movements and stimulate digestive enzymes.
  • Lemon juice: contains citric acid and vitamin C which help absorb non heme iron from vegetables to help prevent anemia. Adding lemon juice also reduces total GI of the meal.

Method to make Spicy Mashed Potatoes (Aalu Podimaas)

  • Boil potatoes with water in a pan, on stove or microwave. (12 min.)
  • (For faster cooking halve or quarter the potatoes)
  • Cool the hot potatoes in running water, drain and peel the skin.
  • Mash the potatoes using a masher. (5 min.)
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and add seasoning materials.
  • When mustard seeds splutter, add spices & mashed potatoes.
  • Sauté until blended together.(3 min.)
  • Remove from heat, garnish with chopped herbs and lemon juice.

Quick Potatoes : Instant Podimaas: (Prep. time 5 min.)

  • Heat the oil and add seasoning materials as above.
  • Add 11/2 cups hot water, salt and spices. Allow to boil.
  • Add 2 cups of potato buds and keep stirring at reduced heat.
  • Turn heat off, keep covered and allow to cool.
  • Garnish with cilantro leaves and lemon juice.

Serve Aalu Podimaas with Quinoa, Rice, Naan, Pasta or Bread rolls.

Potatoes are ready when they cling together, and leave the sides of pan
Time saver: Use Instant Potato Buds and follow “Instant Podimaas”
Variation : Substitute two sweet potatoes for regular potatoes
Aaloo = potato; Podimaas = small pieces