Bean sprout was mainly used as medicine originally. Green mung beans (Vigna Radiata – scientific name), are packed with proteins, but increase their vitamin B content when sprouted. Crisp and nutty, these sprouts can be eaten raw in salads and sandwiches. Steaming or stir-frying sprouts is recommended as it kills the bacteria, though with some loss of nutrients-
In this usalmung beans are cooked until al dente and stir-fried with spices. Chopped onions and coconut add extra taste and flavor. Sprouted Mung bean consumption produces a calming (satvic) effect on the mind – especially for children, pregnant women, elderly & ones with a weak immune system.

History of Mung Beansprouts : In Japan the bean sprout was introduced as Moyashi in Honoswanyo, the oldest book about medicinal plants written in the Heian era. It seemed to be grown as a medicine. Wakansan Sauize written in Edo era says that the painful affection of the knee and muscular cramp are healed when you produce bean sprouts from green mung beans/ black matpes, evaporate their 15cm. long sprouts, parch them well and consumed. .

Nutrition facts of Mung Beans (Vigna Radiata) 100g raw

Energy 347 cal (17%) Sodium 15 mg (1%) Folates 625 mcg (156%)
Carb. 62.6 g (48%) Potassium 1246mg (26.5%) Niacin 2.25 mg (16%)
Protein 23.8g (43%) Calcium 132 mg (13%) Pyridoxine 0.38mg ( 29%)
Total Fat 1.1 g (6%) Copper 0.94 mcg (104.5%) Riboflavin 0.23mg (18%)
Cholesterol 0 g(0%) Iron 6.7 mg (84%) Thiamin 0.62 mg (52%)
Fiber 16.3 (43%) Magnesium 189mg (47%) Vitamin A 114IU (4%)
Selenium 8.2 mcg (15%) Manganese 1.04 mg ( 45%) Vitamin C 4.8 mg (8%)
Zinc 2.7 mg (24%) Phosphorous 367 mg (52%) Carotene B 68 mcg
Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Mung Beans Health Benefits

  • Mung beans have anti-cancer effects: A study in the journal BMC & complementary Alternative medicine showed that mung beans suppress the growth of liver and cervical cancer cells through multiple mechanisms like cytotoxicity including anti-cancer cytokines, stopping cancer cell cycle and triggering apoptosis( programmed cell death). Korean researchers found that those who ate mung bean pancakes daily exhibited a lower risk of cancer.
  • Mung beans ha Beauty benefits: prevents premature aging, protects against harmful UV rays, enhances collagen production, reduces the risk of acne with vitamin C that helps remove toxins so it does not clog pores of the skin. Fiber controls the secretion of excess oil and omega 3 fatty acids ease inflammation and help in acne treatment.
  • Mung beans manage cholesterol levels: Mung beans are able to lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol in our body with the presence of dietary fiber (2.1g – 8% DV)
  • Mung Beans acts as an Obesity fighter: Great source of plant-based protein; mung beans are low in calories (31 cal/100g) contain fiber, folate, iron & vitamins C & K. 1 cup of sprouted mung bean delivers 14 mg of vitamin C, 34 mcg of vitamin K, 16% of DV of folate, 5% of DV of iron for women & 12% for men. The fiber in mung helps keeps the stomach full longer increasing the satiety hormone cholecystokinin (CCK). High fiber ratio 1:2 has the ability to improve metabolism due to the presence of B complex vitamins, digestive enzymes & nutrients like folate, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamine, niacin etc.
  • Regulates Blood sugar levels: with low Glycemic Index mung bean sprouts release sugar at a slow rate into the bloodstream and thus prevents a spike – great for diabetics. In addition, the dietary fibers reduce the rate at which the sugar gets absorbed by the bloodstream thus regulating blood sugar levels.

Spice and herb Power

  • Mustard seeds may relieve menopausal symptoms: magnesium along with calcium present in it encourages bone health and prevents bone loss by recompensing it and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis in menopausal women.
  • Turmeric powder: As per the  National Institute of Health (NIH) Curcumin in turmeric can reduce knee pain in osteoarthritis patients and reduce post Radiation skin irritation in breast cancer patients.
  • Ginger paste: relieves nausea and vomiting symptoms for cancer patients after chemotherapy. It relieves nausea and vomiting connected to morning sickness during pregnancy. It also functions as a preventive measure for motion and seasickness.
  • Garlic paste: boosts immunity with phytonutrients that help reduce oxidative stress thus strengthening immunity. In a study of rats after high dosage of garlic supplements significantly increased white blood cell count and showed immunity stimulating effects.
  • Green chili: combat cold & sinus Capsaicin’s presence stimulates smooth blood flow in the nose. It also releases chemicals called endorphins that boost the enzymes that regulate mood swings and pain in the body.

Method to cook Mung Bean Sprouts Usal

  • Soak the mung beans in a bowl with 2 cups of cold water. (2 hrs)
  • Rinse beans and drain in a colander.
  • Wrap in a paper towel; keep in a warm place to sprout overnight.
  • {Cook sprouted beans with water in a saucepan on the stove. (10 min.)
  • Alternately beans can be cooked in a pressure cooker (10 min.) or in the microwave (5 min.).
  • Peel and chop onions finely; mince green chili. (2 min.)
  • Heat oil in a frying pan, add mustard seeds, and let it splutter.
  • Add onions and spices, sauté until onions turn translucent. (2 min.)
  • Add salt, spices + cooked mung beans; stir fry until mixed well. (1 min.)
  • Remove from heat. Garnish with coconut, lemon juice, cilantro, or parsley leaves.
  • Using One-pot pressure cooker:
  • Sauté onions first in oil with spices; add to sprouted mung beans in the One-pot container. add 1 cup water, mix well and cover with the lid. Allow pressure to build up, hold for 3-5 min. and remove from heat. Open after cooling. Garnish with coconut, lemon juice, cilantro, or parsley leaves.

Serve Moong Beans Usaal by itself or with Quinoa, Brown Rice, Bread rolls, Pasta, or Chapatis, Naan, parathas

Quick Mung beans: Buy Mung bean sprouts available in the grocery store or wrap pre-soaked mung beans in a paper towel and place them in a warm oven