Garbanzo Beans, (Scientific name – Cicer Aritinum) is also known as Chick Peas, Kabuli Chana, Bengal gram, KadaleKkalu, Sanaga Pappu, and Shimbra, is a buff color legume packed with proteins. It is popular in India eaten as “Chole” and in the Middle East as “hummus”. Black garbanzo is another popular variety grown. During the nine days ” Navrathri festival” celebrated in Fall, “Chundal” cooked with black garbanzo beans is distributed to women and children in S. India. It is also sold on the Marina Beach in Chennai to the beach visitors with vendors wrapping them in paper cones & shouting ” Chundal Vaangalaiyo Amma or Aiya .”

Buying and Storage: Choose dry garbanzo beans in the market. Their seed color would not come in the way of quality. In the US market dried chickpeas in bulk bins, canned, sprouted and flour are available all year round. At home store dry garbanzo beans in air sealed, plastic, or metallic containers.

History of Garbanzo beans
Chickpeas are one of the earliest cultivated legumes in history. Remnants of it are found since 7500 BC. The remains were found in the Aceramic levels of Jericho and Cayonu, in Turkey suggesting that humans were growing them even before producing pottery.

Nutrition Facts of Garbanzo Beans

GI = 28; GL=9 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 378kcal -16% Sodium 24 mg- 1.6% Folates557 mcg – 139%
Carbohydrates 63g – 48% Potassium718mg – 15% Niacin 1.5mg -10%
Protein 20g – 36% Calcium57 m g – 5.7 % Pantothenic acid 1.6 mg – 32%
Total Fat 6 g -30% Copper0.66mg – 73% Pyridoxine0.54 mg – 41%
Cholestero l0g – 0% Iron4.3 mg – 54 % Riboflavin0.21 mg – 16%
Dietary Fiber12g – 32% Magnesium79 mg – 20% Thiamin 0.48 mg 40%
Phosphorous 252mg- 36 % Vitamin A 67 IU -2%
Zinc 2.7 mg – 25% Vitamin C 4 mg – 6%
Chickpea nutrition profile (Cicer arietinum), Raw, mature seeds, values per 100 g. %DV (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Garbanzo Beans Health Benefits

  • Garbanzo beans aid Cancer prevention: Garbanzo beans are an important source of selenium, a mineral that supports liver enzyme function and detoxifies compounds that cause cancer from the body. Folate in beans helps to form cells that prevent cancer in the body.
  • Garbanzo beans improve Digestive health efficiency: provides 40% fiber to keep the digestive system work efficiently.
  • Garbanzo beans can be Energy boosters: 1cup beans contains 26%RDA iron & 64% RDA copper that transfers energy from carbs to cells and makes you feel full longer.
  • Garbanzo beans can be Immune boosters: Minerals in beans 23% zinc & 64% copper; zinc inhibits the replication of rhinoviruses, bugs responsible for cold.
  • Garbanzo beans can Reduce Cholesterol with high fiber content(15g) both soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in intestinal fluids, traps cholesterol, and expels it before absorption. Insoluble fiber helps move food through the digestive tract to prevent constipation.
  • Garbanzo beans are Muscle builders: with plant protein 1 cup provides 15g protein
  • Garbanzo beans maintain Nervous system health: amino acids affect the neuro-transmitters by helping to function properly.
  • Garbanzo beans can Regulate Blood Sugar: starchy legumes digest slowly without spiking blood sugar levels and lower A1C levels
  • Garbanzo beans provide Skin Protection: Manganese 85% in the beans works as a natural sunblock and functions as an antioxidant protecting against UV light, thus reducing the development of rashes.
  • Garbanzo beans help with Weight Management and Satiety: 1 cup Garbanzo beans provide 269 kcal energy. 13g (50%RDA) fiber and 30% RDA protein which monitors the insulin that causes the body to store fat. When consumed for lunch garbanzo beans keep hunger pangs away until dinner keeping the stomach feel full.
  • Garbanzo beans have side effects: contain Purines which can be broken down into uric acid that can cause kidney gall stones or gout.

Spice & Herb Powers

  • Turmeric powder reduces arthritis pain: curcumin’s presence reduces harmful inflammation in the body especially in arthritic conditions (esp. rheumatoid arthritis),
  • Ginger aids in digestion: It helps in regulating high sugar levels and soothe the stomach after a meal, emptying its contents to maintain its regular rhythm. It has a number of compounds like zingerone, terpenoids, and flavonoids that improve the absorption of nutrients and minerals.
  • Garlic boosts the immune system, regulates blood pressure, balances cholesterol levels, aids in digestion & reduces cancer risk.
  • Red chili powder helps with osteoarthritis. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps decrease swelling of sore joints and increases blood flow in them.
  • Garam masala improves digestion: It contains cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, black pepper, cumin, coriander, and bay leaf. In traditional Ayurveda medicine, it is a warming spice that is intended to raise body temperature and increase metabolism.
  • Cinnamon helps control blood sugar levels by increasing insulin production while lowering sugar levels.
  • Cloves remove toxins from the bloodstream and prevent blood clots.
  • Cardamom increases blood circulation and soothes stomach upsets.
  • Cilantro leaves can protect your heart with a diet rich in leafy greens. Evidence suggests that phytochemicals can protect your heart from oxidative damage by keeping it healthy.
  • Parsley leaves reduce cancer risk. They contain flavonoids like myricetin and apigenin and antioxidants like vitamin C that can reduce the risk of cancer. 1/2 cup (30g) parsley provides 53% DV of vitamin C. Increasing vitamin C by 100 mg/day reduced the overall risk of cancer by 7% and by150mg may lower prostate cancer risk by 21%.
  • How to Reduce the gas when cooking beans
  • When using dry beans change the water several times. some of the gas-producing sugars are released into the water.
  • Hot soak method: Boil 5 cups water. Add 1 cup of beans and let soak for 4 hours. Drain soaked water and add fresh water to cover the beans for cooking. Add 1 tbsp. oil and 1 tsp. salt. Simmer the beans until they are tender.
  • A slow cooker or one pot can also be used.

Method to cook Garbanzo Beans Chole (Chana Masala)

  • Soak garbanzo beans in hot water until they swell up. (8 hrs.)
  • Rinse 3 times to remove any gas and drain soaked beans in a colander.
  • Cook with water, turmeric & soda in a saucepan until soft. (20 min.)
  • Beans can be cooked in a pressure cooker alternately
  • Peel and chop onions. Blanch tomatoes, peel skin & chop fine. (5 min.)
  • *Heat the oil in a frying pan; add chickpea flour, warm until golden.
  • Add finely chopped onions, ginger & garlic paste and sauté until translucent.
  • Add salt, chole spices ( except garam masala) & tomatoes; sauté until oil separates. (2 min.)
  • Add cooked beans, bring to a boil and let the sauce simmer. (3 min.)
  • Remove garbanzo beans from heat – sprinkle chana masala.
  • Garnish with washed & chopped herbs.
  • Serve Garbanzo Beans as a soup or with Quinoa, Brown Rice, Naans, Parathas, Pooris, or Bread rolls.

Quick Chole: Use canned garbanzo beans, tomato paste & frozen onions. Follow from *
Time Saver: soak the Garbanzo beans earlier; drain water and freeze
Soaking is finished when the beans can be split easily between the fingers

Add 1 tea bag for a brownish color in the sauce

Variation: Substitute Aamchoor with lemon juice or tamarind paste
All types of beans – blackeyed, kidney, garbanzo, etc. taste better when cooked for 4-5 hours in a slow cooker or in the one pot pressure cooker