Red cabbage belongs to the Brassica family that includes broccoli, turnips & Brussels sprouts with a scientific name “Brassica Oleracia-var.Capitata” It contains sulfur compounds called Glucosinolates responsible for the bitter flavor. Glucosinolates are digested into Isothiocyanates that reduce inflammation and fight bacteria.

Buying & Storage: Choose a cabbage with fresh, crisp-looking leaves that are firmly packed and a head that is heavy for its size. Red cabbage lasts longer than white ones. Cabbage can be tightly wrapped and refrigerated for a week.

History Sauerkraut is eaten by Germans at Oktoberfest. The laborers who built the Great wall of China were given sauerkraut to prevent debilitating diseases such as scurvy, that were brought on from only eating rice. (Turgeon, 1977)

Cabbage Recipes
Cabbage Sauté (Gobi Thoran)
Red Cabbage Sauté (Laal Gobi Subzee)
Cabbage and Peas Stir fry (Gobi Matar Subzee)
Cabbage in coconut milk (Gobi Thengai paal Curry)
Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Bhara Gobi)

Nutrition Facts of Red cabbage( Brassica Oleracia var capitate) 100 g raw

GI 15 GL2 Minerals Vitamins
Calories 28 Calcium 6% Thiamin B1 9%
Carb 7g Potassium11% Riboflavin B2 7%
Fiber 2g Magnesium 6% Niacin B3 4%
Protein 1 g Selenium 6% Pantothenic acid B5 5%
Phenols 15 Phosphorous 7 % Pyridoxine B6 20%
Flavonoids 20 Iron 6% Folate B9 9%
Choline 8% Manganese17 % Vitamin A 33 %
Vitamin K 79% Copper 9% Vitamin C 69%

Red Cabbage Health Benefits

  • Red cabbage is low in calories: 1 cup chopped red cabbage – 28 calories, 1 g fat, 1 g protein, 2 g fiber
  • Red cabbage improves eye health: 1 cup of red cabbage contains 33% RDA vitamin A delivered in 3 different forms – Beta carotene, Lutein & Zeaxanthin. Beta carotene gets converted to Retinol used by cells in the eyes to detect light & convert to nerve impulses. Lutein and zeaxanthin function like Antioxidants to protect the retina, help prevent macular degeneration & cut the risk of cataracts.
  • Red cabbage helps with Cancer Prevention: The red pigment in cabbage comes from a flavonoid Cyanidin, that functions as an antioxidant. Cyanidin and Isothiocyanates prevent some types of cancer by stopping the growth of cancer cells inhibiting enzymes that activate Carcinogens & help repair the damage caused by them. “In April 2012, Vanderbilt University Medical Center released research results showing that breast cancer survivors who ate more cruciferous vegetables reduced their risk of dying by 62%.”
  • Red cabbage maintains blood pressure with high levels of potassium which is known to regulate and maintain blood pressure in the heart
  • Red cabbage is anti-aging for the skin: it is rich in antioxidants that help in keeping your skin youthful for a long time preventing the appearance of lines & wrinkles. Vitamin C present in it also provides a glowing skin
  • Red cabbage improves immunity: it has more vitamin C than an orange, so recommended to stay disease-free. Vitamin C, A & antioxidants present in cabbage strengthen & improve the immune system.
  • Red cabbage strengthens bone and muscle: eating raw cabbage can help in strengthening bones and prevent joint pain and inflammation.due to the presence of vitamin K, potassium & other minerals.

Spice Power

  • Cinnamon stick: Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar levels and improve sensitivity to insulin.
  • Cloves: boost immunity, reduce inflammation & temporarily treat toothache.
  • Peppercorns: helps keep food fresh as it contains anti-microbial compounds (part of early food preservation technique). It also reduces inflammation & contains a natural pain killer.
  • Garam masala powder: slows the aging process, increases vitamin, mineral & protein absorption.
  • Allspice: aids digestion with eugenol; manganese in allspice can reduce spinal bone weakening and improve bone density in Postmenopausal women.

Method to cook Red Cabbage Sauté

Red cabbage is stir-fried with onions and crushed cinnamon, cloves & pepper corns. In this adapted North Indian style preparation, Red / Purple cabbage can also be steamed and sautéed.

  • Veg prep: (5 -7 min.) Peel the outer leaves; quarter the head & remove the core. Slice each quarter into strips, along the edge. Hold strips together, chop into 1/2″ pieces. (5 min)
  • OR use a vegetable processor. (2 min.)
  • Wash the cut cabbage twice in water; drain in a colander.
  • Peel & chop the onion finely.
  • Crush the whole spices. (3 min.)
  • Stir fry method (8-10 min.)
  • Heat oil in a frying pan until hot; add crushed spices, heat until an aroma is emitted.
  • Add the onions and sauté until translucent. (Onions make a khuch khuch sound when ready)
  • Add cabbage and peas (if using); stir-fry continuously until all the water evaporates.
  • Alternate steamed, sauté method (8 min.)
  • Steam the chopped red cabbage in a pressure cooker with salt(5 min) Proceed as above, to sauté cooked cabbage after sautéing onions.

Serve Laal Gobi Subzee with Quinoa, Lemon Rice, Naan, or Pita bread.


Add 1tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese to enhance protein content
Add 1 tsp. vinegar to prevent the red cabbage from leaving behind a blue liquid Variation: Cook white cabbage in a similar manner