Beets a.k.a Beta vulgaris are a delicious, nutritious, low-calorie vegetable (43 cal /100 g) and known as a superfood due to their vitamins and minerals content. Sautéing vegetables lets beets cook in their juice that brings out their sweetness. In this recipe beetroot is first steamed or boiled in water, cut into cubes and sautéed in coconut oil; then garnished with onions and coconut. This delicious and nourishing dish is liked by children and seniors for its sweetness.

Buying & Storage: Beets, available year-round, should be chosen by their firm, smooth skins; small or medium size, and crisp bright leaves. The green leaves (cooked like spinach) should be removed soon, as they leach moisture from the bulbs. Beets can be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator up to 3 weeks leaving 1 inch of stem attached.

History: Beetroot is the taproot portion of the beet plant cultivated along with beet greens. Beta is the ancient Latin name possibly of Celtic origin. Beets were domesticated in the Middle East primarily for their greens and were grown by Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. It was also used as a treatment for illnesses relating to digestion and blood. Pickled beets are a traditional food in many countries. A traditional Pennsylvania Dutch dish is pickled beet eggs. 
In Poland and Ukraine, beet is combined with horseradish to form 
Burachky. A red variety of chrain a popular condiment is used in Jewish, Hungarian, Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, and Russian cuisine. 
Borscht is a beetroot popular in Russia.

Story: At a feast in Kerala for a Cochin wedding in our family last year, colorful beetroot thoran was served by the chef, along with seven curries on the banana leaf. Guests from Mumbai who were familiar with the vegetable enjoyed it as well as the ones from Kerala, who liked its sweet taste. Beetroot Thoran was so delicious that it became a popular weekly addition to daily meals in all local homes, once they became aware of its nutritive value.

Beetroot Dishes

Wash beets gently, not to pierce thin skin, to prevent nutrient and color loss. Peel beets after cooking. Beetroots and its leaves can be baked, grated into a salad, pureed into soup, sautéed with coconut, shaped into ovals, and deep-fried into cutlets or juiced.

Beetroot Salad (Pachadi)
Beetroot Soup (Shorba)
Beetroot Sauté ( Thoran)
Beetgreen Sauté (Patha Subzee)
Beetroot Cutlets (Vada)
Beetroot Juice ( Ras)

Beetroot Nutrition Facts

GI=61; GL=3 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 43 cal – 2% Sodium 78mg – 5% Folates 109mug – 27%
Carb. 9.56g – 7% Potassium 325mg – 7% Niacin 0.334mg – 2%
Protein 1.61g – 1% Calcium 16mg – 2.5% Pantothenic acid 0.155mg – 3%
Fat 0.17g – 0.5% Copper 0.075mg – 8% Pyridoxine 0.067mg – 5%
Cholesterol 0mg – 0% Iron 0.80mg – 10% Riboflavin 0.057mg -4%
Dietary Fiber 2.8g – 7% Magnesium 23mg – 6% Thiamin 0.031mg – 2.5%
Vitamin K 0.2mug – 0% Manganese 0.329mg – 14% Vitamin A 33IU – 1%
Vitamin E 0.04mg – 0.5% Zinc 0.35mg – 3% Vitamin C 4.9mg – 8%
Beets (Beta vulgaris) nutrition profile per 100 g, fresh, raw,
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Health Benefits of Beetroots

  • Offer protection: ​Certain unique pigment antioxidants like Betanin in the root protect against coronary artery disease and stroke, lower cholesterol levels, and possess anti-aging effects.
  • Lower Blood pressure: beetroots or their juice can reduce blood pressure by 3-10 mm Hg over a period of a few hours that is due to high levels of nitric oxide which causes blood vessels to relax and expand.
  • Increased exercise capacity: Nitrates present in beets can enhance physical performance particularly during high-intensity endurance exercise. Dietary nitrates have been shown to reduce oxygen use during physical exercise by affecting the efficiency of mitochondria, the cell organs responsible for energy production.

Spice and Herb Powers

  • Mustard seeds are rich in Selenium, which is known for its high anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Fennel seeds: are concentrated sources of minerals like copper, essential for the production of red blood cells.
  • Turmeric powder: contains 3 % Curcumin by weight that may halt an enzyme responsible for turning toxins into carcinogens in the body that may be helpful in fighting cancer.
  • Pepper powder: has Piperine that can relieve cold and cough.
  • Green chilies: a great source of vitamin C, assist the body to boost iron absorption.
  • Coconut: Good source of minerals and fiber; 5g / serving (1 tsp.) 20% of RDA (required daily amount)
  • Curry leaves: can help with liver protection and weight loss due to the presence of carbazole alkaloids.

Method to make Beetroot Sauté (Thoran)

  • Wash beets gently and cut into halves.
  • Cook in boiling water in a saucepan or in a pressure cooker or microwave until soft. (8-10 min)
  • Peel the skin off the beetroots; cut into 1/2″ cubes or grate in a food processor. (2 min.)
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan; add mustard and fennel seeds.
  • When they splutter, add white lentils; wait until they turn golden.
  • Add cut beetroots, salt, and turmeric powder.
  • Sauté until all moisture evaporates. (3 min.)
  • Peel & chop onion fine; mince chili with coconut; snip curry leaves.
  • Garnish beetroot with onions, green chili, coconut, and herbs. (2 min.)

Alternate Direct Sauté Method

  • Heat the oil in a frying pan; add mustard, white urad lentils, and fennel seeds; let mustard seeds pop and lentils turn golden.
  • Add cut beetroots, spices + 1 cup water.
  • Cover with lid and cook. (10 min.)
  • Open the lid and sauté until all the water has evaporated. (5 min.)
  • Garnish Beetroot with onions, green chili, coconut, and herbs.

Serve Beetroot Sauté ( Thoran) with Quinoa, Lemon Rice, Bread rolls, or Spaghetti.


Variation : Bake beetroots in an oven for 30 min.

Healthier version :Steam some carrots with the beetroots.

Substitute 1/2 cup coconut milk to add gravy to make a liquid curry

Thoran = garnished with coconut
