Beetroot( scientific name – Beta vulgaris of the family Amaranthaceae) has Betanins that are used as red food colorants to intensify the color of tomato paste, sauces, desserts, jams, jellies, ice cream, sweets, and breakfast cereals. The unique crimson color of red beet is due to Betalain pigments such as Betanin and Betacyanin. Yellow varieties are rich in Beta-Xanthin.

Story: A slice of pickled beet combined with other condiments along with a beef patty is popular in an Aussie burger. At one of the birthday parties for my children in Kenya, I had made beetroot salad with fresh cream. It was so delicious, the kids thought it was ice cream and gobbled it all up.

Beetroot Nutrition facts (100g raw)

GI = 64 GL = 4 Minerals Vitamins
Calories (kcal) 2% Iron ……10% Folates ….27%
Carb. ……7% Calcium ….1.5% Vitamin A ….33
Protein …… 1% Potassium …. 7% Vitamin C ….4.9
Fiber …… 7% Magnesium ….6% Thiamin B1…2.5 %
Fat …… 0.5% Copper ……. 8% Riboflavin…4%
Cholesterol…0% Manganese…14% Niacin B3 ….2%
Pantothenic acid B5 3% Zinc….3% Pyridoxine B6 …..5%

Health Benefits of Beetroot

  • Beets can be beneficial during pregnancy: Raw beets are an excellent source of Folates (109 micrograms/100g), essential in early pregnancy for women to prevent defects in the embryo’s neural tube. One beetroot contributes 25% of Folate. FDA recommendation: Pregnant women – 800 mcg.; adults – 400 mcg. RDA
  • Beets can improve skin health: Beetroot ingestion has been found to prevent skin cancer. Beets contain vitamin A that maintains healthy mucus membranes and support the daily replacement of skin cells. They also have vitamin C which has the ability to synthesize collagen and protect it from UV radiation.
  • Beets may lower blood pressure: In a study conducted at the Queen Mary University in London, beetroot juice was found to lower blood pressure in participants in 4 weeks, due to the presence of nitrates that the body converts into nitric oxide which during the process expands blood vessels. This can prevent strokes and heart disease.

Beetroot Salad is super healthy when combined with fresh cream, cashew cream, or Greek yogurt. It lends its red or yellow hue to the white cream or yogurt, converting it to a beautiful pink or orangea buffet table attraction.

Method to make Beetroot Salad

  • Wash beets gently and cut into halves.
  • Steam in a pan with steamer or cook in microwave until soft. (4 min.)
  • Allow to cool; peel the skin and grate beetroots. (3 min.)
  • Grind the coconut and chili to a fine paste with yogurt. (2 min.)
  • Mix in the grated beetroots and spices until blended well.
  • Heat the oil in a small frying pan until medium-hot.
  • Add mustard seeds and cover with a lid.
  • When it splutters, pour on pachadi. (1 min.)
  • Garnish with washed and chopped cilantro or parsley leaves.

Serve Beetroot Salad (Raitha) by itself or with Quinoa, Rice noodles, or Naan.


Time Saver: Omit coconut grinding; use dry shredded coconut

Healthier Variation: Grate peeled raw beetroots or add carrots or cucumbers
salad=Raitha (Pachadi)


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