Namasthe !!!

My name is Laxmi *

Hippocrates was once famously quoted for saying,
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
Vegetables and spices are typical examples of providing both these benefits.

Today I am proud to present an all vegetarian menu for the Thanksgiving Feast. Over the past years living in the US I have observed that this feast is celebrated by one and all. I got my my inspiration to create this unique menu while attending my daughter and American son in law’s house thanksgiving feast in the 1990s, especially for me and those looking for an alternative to the turkey. I have utilized the same vegetables of the traditional thanksgiving menu, cooking them in Indian style cuisine. In lieu of the turkey I have a whole cauliflower with Indian spices – baked or steamed which can be carved too.

As I begin my presentation I seek the blessings of
“Matha Annapoorneshwari of Kashi” (goddess of plenty- believed to be the creator of delicious food)

Nithyanandakari, Varabhayakari, Soundarya Ratnakari!!
Nirdhoothaakhila Dosha papa nikari Prathyaksha Maaheswari!!
Praleyachal Vamsha Paavana kari! Kashi Puradheeshwari!!
Bhiksham dehi Kripaavalambankari ! Maatha Annapoorneswari!!

This thanksgiving menu has 14 dishes

• 3 appetizers : Cucumber boat salad, Turkey Nests and Tomato Lentil Soup
• 4 side dishes: Spicy Mashed Potatoes (Podimaas), Green Beans Thoran, Corn curry in coconut milk, and Pumpkin and red beans Olan
• 3 main course dishes: Cauliflower Turkey with gravy, Bread stuffing and Rice Pulao with colorful Bell Peppers
• 2 condiments: Papadam and Cranberry relish
• topped with 2 desserts: Carrot Halwa and Vermicelli Pudding (Payasam)