Cucumber Canoes can be an edible table attraction at the Thanksgiving table. Grated carrots, coconut and peanut powder form the stuffing in these dugout canoes. The sails are colorful peppers or tomatoes held with toothpicks. The Atlantic Ocean is represented by either blueberries, lettuce or tomatoes for the presentation.

History: The inspiration for creating this salad is the voyage of the {102=41 Pilgrims + 61 non separatists}, who set sail on the merchant ship” May Flower” from Europe to America across the Atlantic ocean and the ” Canoes” the Native Americans of the Wampanoag tribe sailed for the first Thanksgiving celebration on Nov. 21st 1621.

Nutrition Facts of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus)

GI =15; GL=1
Water = 95.2 g
Minerals Vitamins
Energy 12kcal -<1% Sodium 2mg – 0% Folates 14mug – 3.5%
Carb. 2.16 g -1.6 % Potassium 136 mg – 3% Niacin 0.037mg – <1%
Protein 0.59g -1% Calcium 14mg – 1.4% Pantothenic acid 0.259mg – 5%
Total Fat 0.16g – 0.75% Iron 0.22mg -3.5% Pyridoxine 0.051 mg – 4%
Cholesterol 0mg – 0% Magnesium12mg – 3% Riboflavin 0.025mg – 2 %
Dietary Fiber 0.7g – 2 % Manganese 0.079mg – 3.5% Thiamin0.031mg – 2.5 %
Carotene Beta 31 mug Phosphorous 21 mg – 3% Vitamin A 12 IU <1%
Crypto xanthin Beta – 18 mug Zinc 0.17mg – 1.5% Vitamin C 3.2mg -&%
Lutein zeaxanthin – 16mug Vitamin E 0.03mg _ 0 %
Vitamin K – 7.2 mug – 6%
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus), raw, Nutritive value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Health Benefits of Cucumber

  • Cucumber protects brain from neurological diseases: Studies have shown that Fisetin an anti inflammatory flavonoid present in cucumbers has the potential to protect nerve cells, improve memory and decrease the risk of Alzheimers in mice as per a review in the journal of Antioxidants and Redox signaling.
  • Cucumber reduces cancer risk by fighting inflammation : contain polyphenols called Lignans which lower inflammatory response in the body. They contain plant nutrients called Cucurbitacins with ability to block pathways for cancer cell development- especially in pancreatic cancer where it inhibited their growth by 50 % and induced apoptosis ( death of cancer cells) Studies found promising results between Fisetin and cancer prevention.

Spice & Herb Powers

  • Peanut powder may help prevent diabetes: With low carb 16.1g & sugar 4.7g content / 100g.Manganese in it promotes fat and carbohydrate metabolism allowing more glucose to enter muscle and liver cells helping to stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • Coconut: keeps brain young. An international study by NIH suggests that a high fat diet featuring medium chain fatty acids from coconut oil can postpone signs of aging.
  • Green chili: Capsaicin present in it has a stimulating effect on the mucus membranes of the nose and sinuses. It stimulates blood flow through the membranes and causes them to become thinner which makes it fight common cold and sinus infections.
  • Lemon juice: relieves a sore throat mixed with warm water and honey. Prevents kidney stones by raising the citrate levels of urine.
  • Cilantro leaves: promotes removal of heavy metals from the body – can help bind with toxic metals like mercury, lead and aluminum in a timely fashion, which can cause adverse health effects (heart disease, neurological disorders)

Method to make Cucumber Canoes

For the Canoes (3 min.)

  • Peel big & small cucumbers and cut into halves.
  • Cut off a thin slice from under each half, to lie flat on bottom.
  • Use a knife around seeds & remove, to make a dugout canoe.

    For the Filling (3 min.)

  • Wash, peel and grate carrots in a food processor; mince green chilies.
  • Mix carrots with peanut, coconut, salt, sugar and chilies.
  • Garnish with washed and chopped cilantro leaves.

    Assembling canoes (4 min.)

  • Fill cucumber boats with stuffing.
  • Slice bell peppers into quarters; remove and discard stem and seeds.
  • Pierce a tooth pick through each to make the sail.
  • Place the sails on the filling inside cucumber halves.

    Display to depict ocean

  • Spread blueberries on a tray or make a bed of lettuce.
  • Place cucumber boats on top of berries, lettuce or cut thin tomato slices;
  • Decorate around cucumber boats .

    Make labels: (for Thanksgiving) (5 min.)

  • May flower” for big boat Native American names for canoes.
  • Generic Native American names :
  • Attach with toothpick to the boats and canoes.

Serve Cucumber Canoes as an appetizer before a meal or by itself as a salad.

Time saver; Make ahead the filling and store in refrigerator