Cool as a  Cucumber – Crisp as a wafer

Keeps body cool – Soothes back from sunburn

Smoothens face like velvet- Chases eye bags away

Health Benefits of Cucumber Water

keeps you hydrated; helps with weight loss; curbs appetite

“silica” supports healthy skin; helps muscles stay strong; boosts bone health

 lowers your blood pressure ; may help prevent cancer

 has antioxidant / detoxing properties; provides extra vitamins and minerals

Cucumber Water  ( 16 – 32 oz. )

Peel and slice 4 – 6 cucumbers  for 16 oz water or 1 lb. cucumbers for 32 oz

Immerse slices in ice cold water (allow to seep 5-10 minutes)

Lemon and Mint  Cucumber Water

Juice a lemon (vitamin C) and mix with cucumber water

Add 3-4  fresh mint leaves (cooling effect+calcium + magnesium; )

Allow the cucumber water with mint to steep for 5 minutes before drinking

(Use left over mint leaves in a soup or smoothie )

(excellent source of fiber)

Herb infused Cucumber water (Rosemary, Thyme and Mint)

Cut 4-6  thin lemon slices  and add to cucumber water in a mason jar

Add 3-4 sprigs of Rosemary (a great source of iron, calcium and potassium)

 1-2 sprigs thyme (vitamin C)

 2 -3 mint leaves (calcium and magnesium)

(cool mint is refreshing)

Cucumber Basil Water

Add 6-8 Basil  leaves  to Cucumber Water

( basil is packed with vitamin A)

Strawberry  Cucumber Water

 add 4-6 Lemon and Strawberry slices

to create a  trio of flavors to cucumber water

 (infuses more vitamin C) 

Cucumber  Fruit water

Add sliced Blueberries and Strawberries (antioxidant boosters)

cucumber provides minerals and antioxidants

(rejuvenating  natural energy drink )