Fennel can’t be in a Kennel

since it is a vegetable, seed and spice!

 Vegetable printing with fennel would be a  fun  art!! 

Chewing on fennel seeds produces sweet breath!!!

Fennel Nutrition 

a natural source of estrogen

1 cup  fennel bulb in diet

contains Copper, Manganese, Phosphorous, Selenium, Zinc, Niacin, Folate, Choline, Lutein, Pantothenic acid, Beta carotene, Zeaxanthin

provides 10.4 mg  Vitamin C, 0.041 mg Vitamin B6, 838 IU Vitamin A , Vitamins E & K

will pump 360 mg Potassium, 45 mg Sodium, 43 mg Calcium, 15 mg Magnesium, 0.64 mg Iron

high levels of dietary nitrates, no cholesterol

Fennel-1 raw bulb weighing 234 g

Calories: 73; Carb:17g; Fiber: 7.3g; Protein: 2.9g; Fat: 0.47g; Cholesterol:0


Fennel’s fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B-6 and phytonutrient content, coupled with its lack of cholesterol, all support heart health.  Oct 21, 2014


Fennel Health Benefits

  • Acts as a  diuretic : Fennel increases the frequency of urination and removes toxins to help in rheumatism & swelling.
  • Breast enlargement: The flavonoids present in fennel seeds increase the amount of estrogen, acting as a stimulant and tonic. Fennel seeds form new cells and tissues to augment breast size.
  • Eliminates constipation: Fennel has laxative property.
  • Eliminates bad breath: Chewing fennel seeds after meals is a common practice in India that  helps remove bad breath and facilitates digestion.
  • Expels excess gas from stomach: Fennel extract is used in medicines in infants and children to help expel the gas formed.
  • Eye Care: Amino acid arginine in fennel oil  is anti aging and beneficial for  rejuvenation of eye tissue. Fennel leaves  juice and plant can be applied externally to reduce irritation and eye fatigue.
  • Improves Immune system health: Vitamin C in fennel  produces and repairs skin tissues, helps to form collagen and protects blood vessel walls by acting as an antioxidant.
  • Increases milk secretion with lactating mothers and acts as an anti-flatulant for the baby.
  • Lowers cholesterol: Fiber in fennel helps lower the total cholesterol in the blood and stimulates the elimination of LDLa major factor in strokes, Atheroscelorosis, and  heart disease.
  • Marvelous cooling effect: A greenish yellow drink made from soaked fennel seeds, sugar and black salt has a cooling effect on the body in summer.
  • Prevents breast and liver cancer: Fennel extract inhibits growth of tumors and  is chemo protective against harmful cancer cells.
  • Reduces blood pressure: Potassium acts as an electrolyte and a vasodilator in fennel to facilitate increased electrical conduction within brain to improve brain function, cognitive abilities & memory.
  • Quicker recovery from respiratory problems: Fennel seed and powder are expectorant in nature that help break up phlegm and  loosen the toxins in the nasal passages.
  • Reduces the effects of PMS: Fennel is  an Emmenagogue – it eases and regulates mensturation by properly regulating hormonal action in the body. It is  also used  as a soothing pain reliever and relaxing agent for menopausal women.
  • Strengthens hair: Fennel prevents hair loss.
  • Fennel uses: flavoring agent, a scent, insect repellant and herbal remedy for poisoning and GI conditions. Promotes lactation, improves symptoms in post menopausal women.
  • Few words of Caution: Certain compounds of the fennel essential oil “Anethol”, can be dangerous if ingested in too large a quantity . Not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Excess use of fennel can cause difficulty breathing, increased palpitations, irregular heart beat and various neural problems.