C]innamon is a  highly valued spice  with medicinal and culinary properties. The “Cinnamonum”  tree is a native of   Srilanka, but is now grown in India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar  and in China ( known as Cassia – less in flavor). Cinnamon has been one of the important  spices traded by the Spanish & Arabic Spice merchants .

Cinnamon is the inner bark of the tree  that is bruised with a brass rod, peeled and incisions made,which is then  rolled  by hand  and allowed to dry  as”Quills”. It has a pungent taste  with a strong aroma  in its oil “Eugenol”.

Buying & Storing:

Cinnamon spice is available throughout the year. Buy in the form of whole sticks (Quills) light  (Sri Lankan variety) or dark brown  (Indonesian variety) instead of  the powder .  Store in a cool, dark, dry place ; it lasts for many years. Ground cinnamon powder should be stored in the refrigerator & used soon as it tends to lose flavor quickly.

FRUIT CAKES: Cinnamon is added to Fruit cakes – especially rich Christmas cakes.


Health Benefits of Cinnamon

  • Highest anti oxidant strength of all food sources- Carotene, Lutein, Xanthin.
  • ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbence Capacity) is many times more than apples, berries etc.
  • Eugenol -has been found to reduce sugar levels in blood for diabetics but more studies needed.  It also has anesthetic & antiseptic properties; hence useful in gum  and dental procedures.
  • “Cinnamic” aldehydes with their anti clotting action prevent clogging of  platelets thus preventing strokes & coronary artery disease.
  • Spicy bark is an excellent source of minerals like calcium, iron, manganese, potassium and zinc .
  • Cinnamon also contains Niacin, Pyridoxine, Pantothenic acid and Vitamin A .