All Spice Cake

Spices  are  aromatic and essential for our well being, since they contain  oils, phyto nutrients, minerals and vitamins. They are the dried bark, buds, seeds or fruit of plants that smell good too,  besides exciting our taste buds. Ancient civilization has evidence  to show the usage of spices centuries ago.  Thanks to European traders who have spread the sweet smell of spices all around the world. Cooking and baking with spices, especially during holidays, not only spreads the warmth of Holiday Spirits,  but also benefits  our health  during winter.  Being a powerhouse of  fragrance, Spices should be used in minute quantities. Some Healthy spices used in Cakes & Cookies are  Allspice, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Cloves and  Nutmeg.


It is known as Jamaican pepper  and grown on  Pimento trees in Central America and Caribbean islands. Green berries are sun dried – 6 mm in diameter.It  looks like brown peppercorn, but has 2 seeds inside and has a spicy taste like cinnamon, clove or nutmeg.

  1. Buying & Storage : Available year round. Buy whole corns that are heavy, round and compact. Store at room temperature ; can last for years. Crush in a mortar as and when needed. Store the powder  in refrigerator  but use quickly as the flavor is lost soon when essential oils evaporate.
  2. Culinary Uses:  Pimento corns are used as a main ingredient in curry powders, preparation of soups, barbecue sauces and pickling.  They are ground just before preparing the dishes in dry rubs  and marinades ( Jamaican Jerk spice for chicken, meat and fish). Powdered corns are  added  at  final stages while  cooking recipes, to prevent evaporation of essential oils. Baking: Allspice is powdered and used in baking spicy fruit cakes for Christmas.  

Health Benefits of All Spice:

  • Contains Vitamins A, B-6 ,  Niacin  and C –    Vitamin C is a powerful anti oxidant that develops resistance against infectious diseases and scavenges free radicals .
  • Eugenol: the oil in Allspice  has anti inflammatory, rubefacient (warming and soothing), carminative ( eliminates gas formed in the digestive system)  properties. It also has anesthetic and antiseptic properties; so used in gum and dental treatments.
  • Enriched with Minerals like copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and selenium. Iron is important in red blood cell production and helps  in cell metabolism (cytochrose  enzymes). Potassium controls heart rate and blood pressure . Manganese is used by the powerful anti oxidant enzyme – (superoxide dismutaze).
  • Increases Motility – Secretion of juices in the gastro intestinal tract thus boosting digestive power similar to black pepper.
  •  Treating Infections:  Research studies have shown that preparations from all spice oil mixed with extractions from garlic and oregano can be used to treat infections like Salmonella, E.coli and L.monocytogenes.


Baking Method

  • Cream Butter using mixer / a wooden spoon.
  • Add 7oz. sugar ; Beat together .
  • Break eggs one by one; separate egg yolks and whites.
  • Add 6 egg yolks and mix well.
  • Add Self Raising flour 1tbsp. at a time.
  • Whisk 6 egg whites and sprinkle in 4 oz. sugar
  • Add egg whites sugar mix to the cake mixture.
  • Add all the spices and mix well; pour into baking tin. (Loaf pan)
  • Bake for 1 hour. Test with a tooth pick if cooked ( should come clean)
  • Take out of the oven; invert onto a rack  and allow tocool.
  • Cut into 12 slices before serving.